Kavremover Command Line Switches
Sep 08, 2017 Command line arguments are extra commands you can use when launching a program so that the program's functionality will change. Depending on the program, these arguments can be used to add more. Hello, We have taken over support for a client where the old IT Company also used Kaseya and deployed the Kaspersky Anti-Virus. We are going to be rolling out AVG to the machines instead and are looking for a silent removal option for Kaspersky.
On the command line, a switch consists of a switch specifier,either a dash (-) or a forward slash (/), followed by the name ofthe switch. Switch names cannot be abbreviated.
Umt gsm 1.8 full crack by gsm_x_team download pc. Some switches take an argument after the switch name.No spaces or tabs are allowed within a switch specification.Switch names are not case sensitive, but arguments can be case sensitive.
Kavremover Command Line Switches Diagram
Switch can be used in any place in command line.
See also Command Line Syntax for more detailsabout using the command line.
Switch quick reference
Kavremover Command Line Switches 2010
Switch | Description |
-- | Stop switches parsing |
-ai | Include archive filenames |
-an | Disable parsing of archive_name |
-ao | Overwrite mode |
-ax | Exclude archive filenames |
-i | Include filenames |
-m | Set Compression Method |
-o | Set Output directory |
-p | Set Password |
-r | Recurse subdirectories |
-scs | Set charset for list files |
-seml | Send archive by email |
-slp | Set Large Pages mode |
-slt | Show technical information |
-sfx | Create SFX archive |
-si | Read data from StdIn |
-so | Write data to StdOut |
-ssc | Set Sensitive Case mode |
-ssw | Compress files open for writing |
-t | Type of archive |
-u | Update options |
-v | Create Volumes |
-w | Set Working directory |
-x | Exclude filenames |
-y | Assume Yes on all queries |