Mass Effect 3 Citadel The Return

To complete the Hanar Diplomat go to Citadel Embassies, and assuming that you have followed our Mass Effect 3 walkthrough up to this point, visit the Spectre Office (point 3). Access the Terminal and select Hanar Embassy Tracking. Now, return to the elevator and check the waiting room, to the left. Citadel DLC Walkthrough Part 5 - Browse IGN; Sign In. Mass Effect 3 Wiki Guide. Citadel DLC Walkthrough Part 5 - Party. Shepard can then return to the Sun Coast Strip area of the Citadel. To complete the Hanar Diplomat go to Citadel Embassies, and assuming that you have followed our Mass Effect 3 walkthrough up to this point, visit the Spectre Office (point 3). Access the Terminal and select Hanar Embassy Tracking. Now, return to the elevator and check the waiting room, to the left. I too had about 3-4 Citadel side/mini quests to finish or turn in but when I repelled the Cerberus attack on the Citadel most, if not all, the people were gone. The ones I missed were: Find Terminal for the Hanar; Find the one guy's son (left of elevator on embassy flow) Barla Von one; increasing power unit for Citadel (I think).

A victory has been won for the original fans of Mass Effect, as it has been revealed that the M7 Lancer will be making its way to Mass Effect 3 through the upcoming Reckoning DLC.

The content, which was first leaked through a premature description on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace earlier this month, will be available to consumers on Tuesday, February 26.

A couple of photos recently published in the latest batch of screenshots made suspect what has come to be a reality, in the form of the M7 Lancer Assault Rifle. There also appears to be what looks like an Executioner pistol.


These rumors all became fact earlier today, as Lead Combat Designer Corey Gaspur published a revealing tweet: “Many fans asking about the M7 Lancer, it is a weapon from ME1 making a comeback! It also sports the classic overheat mechanic.”

The fan reception on Twitter has been more than positive, though a few question the excitement surrounding a weapon that overheats and might be relegated only to the multiplayer side of the game. Gaspur has noted in a response on Twitter that, “How do you know it's not in SP? Never say never.” So perhaps we may still see some of the new weapons in the upcoming DLC released for the single player portion of the game.

The Reckoning content will in many ways herald the coming of another Bioware DLC package – Citadel. Citadel is due out on March 5, and will feature a host of new content.

System: Xbox 360, PS3*, PC
Dev: BioWare
Pub: EA
Release: March 5, 2013
Players: 1
Screen Resolution: 480p-1080pBlood, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence

Not to mention the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC gives us more treasured moments with our favorite characters. It provides the perfect bonding experience, seeing as how squaddies can be invited to Shepard's new digs. Or, when Shepard's out on the town, the crew could be at locations and events can be triggered. The Garrus date is my new favorite social event in the series. Still, the moments with the team aren't the only great parts. Even characters who aren't present get development, as new Anderson information comes up thanks to excerpts from his biography conveniently placed around Shepard's new apartment.

The overall quality of Mass Effect 3 Citadel is just fantastic. The voice acting is top notch, the new areas are detailed and look fantastic, I dig the new music, and even the casino and arcade games are a decent way to kill some time. I did experience some texture issues, mainly where clothing didn't display properly for a moment. You know, the minor Mass Effect 3 hiccups we've seen before. They happen, but they're usually brief.

I'd say the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC is the add-on to acquire. It's full of fun and feel-good moments. In fact, I'd say that it's so good that it makes up for the lack of a happy ending. Sure, the world's coming to an end, things look grim, and, depending on your choices, Shepard won't come out of this alive. But until that happens, we'll enjoy some fluff and plan a rocking party.

Jenni Lada
Contributing Writer
Date: March 6, 2013
Mass effect 3 citadel archive

Mass Effect 3 Citadel Missions

All the new areas look fantastic, but there are still some texture issues in event scenes.
Shepard and her team are easy to control, and none of the essential gameplay mechanics have been changed.
Music / Sound FX / Voice Acting
All of the voice actors return with fantastic performances and the new background tracks provide the perfect ambiance.
Play Value
This DLC is loaded with content, so even after the nine missions are done, people will have plenty of reason to explore the new areas alone or with virtual friends.

Mass Effect 3 Dlc Citadel

Overall Rating - Must Buy
Not an average. See Rating legend below for a final score breakdown.
Review Rating Legend
0.1 - 1.9 = Avoid2.5 - 2.9 = Average3.5 - 3.9 = Good4.5 - 4.9 = Must Buy
2.0 - 2.4 = Poor3.0 - 3.4 = Fair4.0 - 4.4 = Great5.0 = The Best

Game Features:

  • 9 new missions for Shepard and her crew to undertake.
  • New social events for every Mass Effect 3 squadmate.
  • Prior Mass Effect squadmates return for socializing and arena battles.
  • Five new areas are added to the Citadel.
  • New weapons, weapon mods and war assets can be acquired.