Arma 2 German
Weapons featured in the original game. Almost all of the weapons from the original feature in the other campaigns. Handguns Beretta M9. The Beretta M9 returns in ArmA 2, it is the same exact model from ArmA: Armed Assault, and it is the standard sidearm of the USMC and US Army factions, typically carried by squad leaders and officers. ArmA: Armed Assault, is a tactical military first-person and third-person shooter developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio and was released in 2006 as a spiritual successor to Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. Its successor, ArmA 2, launched in 2009 and received numerous follow-on expansions. The latest game in the series, ArmA 3, was released on September 12th, 2013 and has since been. Apply the official ArmA II v1.02 (v1.02.58134) Patch. Replace the original ARMA2.EXE file with the one from File Archive #1. Extract the PATCHFX.EXE Patch from File Archive #2 to the game directory.
The selection number is defined through the hiddenselection[]={} array in the vehicle's config (starting with 0).
- Not all objects could be textured this way. To find out, run getObjectTextures command on an object. Empty array [] usually indicates it cannot be textured.
- All textures must have resolution 2^x / 2^y (e.g. 16 / 16, 16 / 32, 64 / 256, 512 / 512, etc). The largest texture size commonly supported by graphics cards and RV engine is 4096x4096
- Supported formats: .pac, .paa, .jpg, .jpeg, .ogg, .ogv
Arma 2 East Germany
- Syntax:
- object setObjectTexture [selectionNumber,texture]
- Parameters:
- object: Object
- [selectionNumber,texture]: Array
- selectionNumber: Number
- texture: String
- Return Value:
- Nothing
Arma 2 Dayz Epoch Installieren German
- Example 1:
_objectname setObjectTexture [0, 'pbonametexture.paa'];_objectname setObjectTexture [1, 'pbonametexture2.paa'];
- Example 2:
_obj setObjectTexture [0, '#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)'];
- Example 3:
_obj setObjectTexture [0, '#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(rendersurface,1.333)'];
- Example 4:
- When applying custom texture in Editor on vehicles that have randomization enabled (Arma 3 Assets), disable randomization first:
this setVariable ['BIS_enableRandomization', false];this setObjectTexture [0,'#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)'];
Additional Information
- See also:
- Groups:
- Object Manipulation
Arma 3 German Faction
- Posted on Aug 4, 2006 - 23:40
- Hoz
- In MP this command has only local effect. If you want to change a texture on all clients, you have to execute this command on each client (or setObjectTextureGlobal). This command has also a bug: when a saved game is loaded the texture you have set will disappear and needs to be reset.
- Posted on December 19, 2009 - 23:16
- Lou Montana
- Instead of bitmaps, procedural textures can be used.
The syntax for those is #(argb,8,8,3)color(R,G,B,A), where R,G,B stands for Red, Green, Blue, and A stands for Alpha, all values can be anything between 0 and 1 (including decimals). e.g._obj setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)']
would color myObj in flat green. See Procedural Textures for more details. - Posted on August 25, 2014 - 22:27 (EST)
- Benargee
- Also works with absolute path and .jpg files.
_obj setObjectTexture [0, 'C:FolderFolderTexture.paa'];_obj setObjectTexture [0, 'C:FolderFolderTexture.jpg'];
Texture can also be blank:_obj setObjectTexture [2,'];
This will make the texture selection invisible on certain units without an error message. In some cases this is a desirable effect
- Posted on March 18, 2015 - 03:09 (UTC)
- Longbow
- It is also possible to apply texture to unit's backpack, as it also has hidden selection (unfortunately does not work for vests)
(backpackContainer player) setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)']
Also keep in mind that player's custom texture is being reset when you open BIS Arsenal (even without changing any gear)
- Posted on May 13, 2015 - 14:37 (UTC)
- Moerderhoschi
- You can also use the gameinternal skins: List of MH9 Skins
_obj setObjectTexture [0, 'a3air_fheli_light_01dataskinsheli_light_01_ext_digital_co.paa'];
- Posted on October 24, 2016 - 12:09 (UTC)
- Killzone Kid
- Sometimes it could be necessary to set default material on an object for the texture to take effect:
_block = createVehicle ['Land_VR_Block_02_F', playergetPos [20, getDirplayer], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_block setObjectMaterial [0, 'a3data_fdefault.rvmat'];_block setObjectTexture [0, '#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)'];
Courtesy of Larrow
Arma 2 German Army